30% of Timpson High School Graduating Seniors Earn Associate Degrees

30 percent of Timpson ISD seniors graduated in May with their associate degrees in addition to their high school diplomas. 

Through Timpson ISD’s dual credit partnership with Panola College, TISD offers students the opportunity to take college classes for free while still in high school.

Students at Timpson ISD can begin taking dual credit classes their freshman year and continue all throughout their high school career. The THS seniors who graduated with an associates degree collectively earned over 1,000 college credit hours at no additional cost to them.

Whether 2024 graduates chose to build off of their established foundation at Panola College, or traveled to larger universities like Texas A&M, most if not all of their college credit hours that they earned transferred and were applied directly to their degree plan. Timpson ISD maximizes the amount of transferable credits to reduce the cost of college for students.

While many school districts offer dual credit courses, TISD offers individualized support for dual credit students by providing a separate class period and a monitor who will help them develop the skills they need to thrive in their college classes.

Charlotte Metcalf is the high school counselor and dual credit coordinator at Timpson ISD. She guides students through the ins and outs of the dual credit process and provides the support necessary for students’ success.

“We’re able to offer them structure and guidance that they wouldn’t have if they just went straight to college after high school,” Mrs. Metcalf said. The TISD dual credit program serves as a great first step in students’ college careers.

In addition to an individualized experience, Timpson ISD also covers the entire cost of the dual credit courses so students are able to take college classes for free.

“We pay for it, so we feel like it’s almost offering them scholarships while they’re in high school,” Mrs. Metcalf said. “They can get a jump on their college career with support.”

With a record number of seniors who graduated with an associate degree this year, Timpson ISD hopes to continue the dual credit program and is proud to give TISD students a head start with their college careers. 

“The ultimate goal is to help change the community in the long run,” Mrs. Metcalf said.

The following graduates earned their degrees along with their high school diplomas in May:

Bella Alford (SFA - Nursing), Tate Barnes (Texas A&M University), Cameron Bennett (Texas State Technical College Process Operations), Collin Billiott (Panola College - Nursing), Terry Bussey (Texas A&M University), Cale Cornelius (Texas A&M University), Jada Davis (University of Mary Hardin-Baylor), Jordan Davis (University of Mary Hardin-Baylor), Isabella Galaviz (SFA - Art), Alexis Grigsby (SFA - Accounting), Shelby Holloway (SFA), Emma Kaluza (SFA - Business), Alauna Otis (Midwestern State University), Jalia Scourton (UT Tyler School of Education), Mackenzie Smith (SFA), Kallie Solomon (SFA - Pre-Pharmacy), Quinn Timmons (Tyler Junior College/Texas A&M Engineering Partnership)

Congratulations to these students who have worked diligently to earn their associate degrees!

Coach Patrick Gandy Promoted to TISD Athletic Director

Timpson ISD is excited to announce that Coach Patrick Gandy will be TISD’s new head football coach and athletic director!

Coach Gandy has been with TISD for 12 years and has held teaching, coaching, and assistant principal positions. He has served as the defensive coordinator for the THS football team for the past 5 years.

“I’m looking forward to the challenge of a new job,” Coach Gandy said. “My dad was an AD and head football coach for 20+ years and it’s always been my goal to sit in that seat and build a program like he did.”

After 8 years at Timpson ISD, Coach Kerry Therwhanger announced his retirement earlier this year and has been guiding Coach Gandy as he transitions into his new role.

“Coach T has done a great job and has been a fantastic mentor for me over the years,” Coach Gandy said. “He has done nothing but help me learn things that athletic directors have to deal with on a daily basis.”

Coach Gandy and his wife Lacey have two children, Lylah and Brock. Lacey has taught at Timpson ISD for 5 years. Both are dedicated members of the Timpson ISD community and passionate about the success of Timpson ISD students.

“I’ve gotten to the point I am at by ‘building relationships and serving others,’” Coach Gandy said. “My goal is to get these kids to buy into that quote and become great people after they leave our programs.”

Timpson ISD is happy to be bringing a member of the TISD coaching staff on as the new athletic director. Coach Gandy has shown commitment to the district and its students over the years and we are eager for him to begin his new role.

Thank you Coach Gandy, and congratulations!

TES Receives $10,000 Donation

On May 14, TES students were surprised with a donation from Marathon Petroleum Corporation! TES was presented with $10,000 to be used to purchase much-needed STEM supplies.

“We could not be more excited for this opportunity to expand our STEM materials,” TES Principal Lee Ann Masterson said. “Our robotics clubs as well as the whole school will benefit from this extremely generous contribution.”

Thank you for your incredible donation to Timpson Elementary, Marathon!

18 TISD Teachers Qualify for Teacher Incentive Allotment Stipends

Timpson ISD’s Teacher Incentive Allotment designations have been approved! Teachers who qualify are now eligible to receive TEA pay stipends depending on their level of designation (Recognized, Exemplary, and Master).

TISD is thrilled to announce that 18 teachers qualified for these pay stipends! A teacher’s designation is based on student growth and teacher observation scores. The stipends will range from $3,000 to $32,000, with evaluations occurring each year. Every single teacher at Timpson ISD will now have the opportunity to designate and advance their designation levels!

Congratulations to the following teachers and thank you for your hard work and dedication to the students in the district!

Recognized teachers:

Candace Thomas (Kindergarten), Penny Ramsey (Pre-K 4), Ashley Mince (2nd Grade Reading), Deborah Wilkinson (Life Skills), Vernett Richardson (Middle School CTE), Dexter Vaughn (8th Grade Science), Kimberly Bruister (8th Grade Math), Gina Duke (6th Grade Math)

Exemplary teachers:

April Ramsey (Reading Lab), Syreeta Johnson (Math Lab), Teresa Burns (Dyslexia), Shilisa Bolton (1st Grade Reading), Jennifer Matthews (5th Grade ELAR), Katie Hroncich (Pre-K3 Special Education), Lesleigh Fitzgerald (Pre-K3), Holly Derrick (3rd Grade Reading)

Master teachers:

Kimberly Hearn (1st Grade) and Mihaela Munday (Algebra II)

THS Senior Enlists in US Army

Timpson ISD senior Sawyer Pinkston officially enlisted with the US Army today! He is the only THS senior joining the Army this year, and will begin his career with a promotion to Private 2nd Class.

“I’m excited for the new environment,” Sawyer said. “I get to experience new things and see new places.”

Congratulations Sawyer, TISD is proud of you!

TISD Opens New Food Truck

Timpson ISD is excited to announce the arrival of the Hungry Bear food truck! The food truck will give high school students an even greater lunch selection with an updated and exclusive menu.

The Hungry Bear will offer different cuisine that can’t be found in the cafeteria, with several tasty and convenient choices.

Robin Jones is the Food Service Director at Timpson ISD. She’s been overseeing the transformation of the trailer into the Hungry Bear and preparing for the opening.

“There was a very good start. Everything was stainless steel,” Jones said. “We just had to purchase a stove, put a hand sink in it, refrigerators, and a bun toaster.”

All of the food truck menu options will be able to be prepared and served to high school students hot and fresh.

“This whole thing is about feeding our high school,” Jones said. “Getting them something they will eat.”

The Hungry Bear will be cashless. Meals will be the same price as in the cafeteria. Students will be able to purchase lunch by simply entering their account numbers, making the food truck process even faster and more efficient.

TISD Adopts New Visitor Management System

Timpson ISD will now be utilizing Raptor Technologies as a new visitor management system.

All TISD visitors will be required to present a valid driver's license or ID that will be scanned into the new system. This includes all parents, guardians, substitutes and contractors. Without a valid ID, visitors will not be permitted on any TISD campus.

A printed visitor badge will be given to each visitor with their name, photo, date and time of entry, and destination. This badge must be worn at all times while on campus and is only valid for the date that it was issued.

Each TISD campus will be utilizing this system. Please be prepared to present a valid ID upon each visit to a Timpson ISD campus. The safety of students and staff is the number one priority of Timpson ISD. Thank you for your cooperation and patience as TISD adopts this new visitor management system.

Timpson ISD’s Isabella Galviz Places 1st in Shelby County Creative Arts Show

Timpson ISD senior Isabella Galaviz entered one of her drawings in the Shelby County Creative Arts Show at the East Texas Poultry Festival. Galaviz placed 1st in the Senior Youth Division, which includes all entries from 9th-12th grade!

From the time she was a little girl, Galaviz always was interested in exploring her creative side.

“I am fully self-taught,” Galaviz said. “It runs in the family, my dad used to draw.”

Galavis has always been drawn to art. Anytime she and her family went into a store, she always headed straight for the art supplies.

Now, Galaviz mainly depicts Native American portraits in her drawings. “It’s a small part of my heritage,” Galavis said. “They have so much meaning and details.”

The drawing that won her the Creative Arts Show contest took Galaviz 2 weeks to complete. It was a commissioned piece that Galaviz later sold for $200.

Galavis is planning to pursue a career in art after she graduates high school. “I want to get my fine arts degree, my masters, and open up my own gallery one day and sell my pictures.” Galavis said. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

With her family always encouraging her, Galavis is able to pursue her passion for drawing. “You get to be yourself when you do it,” Galavis said. “You’re just being free and the ideas just come out when you draw.”

Timpson ISD AG Mechanics Team Wins Sweepstakes Award at East Texas Poultry Festival Competition

Timpson ISD’s Ag Mechanics team represented TISD at the Poultry Festival live auction! 35 Ag Mechanics students participated in the competition and auction. There were 120 projects being judged from schools across Shelby County, and 34 of those belonged to TISD students.

There were 8 different classes in the show, ranging from woodwork projects to tractor implements. Timpson ISD students not only competed in every class, but had projects that placed in every class as well. Timpson ISD students brought projects that earned first place in the 200 class (Tractor Implements & Shop Equipment), 400 class (Woodwork), and 700 class (Trailers).

The Timpson ISD Ag Mechanics team won the overall Sweepstakes award, which can only be achieved by bringing a project in 7 of the 8 classes and winning the most points in each class.

This is the third year in a row that the Timpson ISD team has won the Sweepstakes award!

Robert Harrison, the Timpson Ag Mechanics teacher, works with Ag Mechanics students from the time they are sophomores and teaches them the fundamentals of welding.

“I’m most proud of the dedication that my students showed,” Harrison said.

Timpson ISD students could be seen at the festival all weekend helping move projects around, setting up for the live auction, and discussing their projects with potential buyers.

Overall, TISD students brought in over $10,000 in live auction sales.

In addition to the Poultry Festival auction, Harrison takes the welding students to build off competitions throughout the year to help them hone their skills and gain real world welding experience.

In the build offs, students compete against teams from other schools and showcase their welding skills. The students are given a set amount of time to complete specific projects that are then judged and ranked.

Harrison plans to take them to at least 10 build off competitions this year. At the last build off they attended in Newton, a team of Timpson ISD students came in first place out of 25 teams.

Through the build offs and Poultry Festival live auctions, Harrison tries to give hands-on experience with job-related fields and increase community exposure for the students.

Timpson students worked tirelessly on their projects and continue to show dedication to not only their individual success, but the success of the Timpson Ag Mechanics program.

As of now, 5 Timpson ISD students are on track to graduate this spring with a welding certificate. This certification is obtained through Timpson ISD’s dual credit program with Panola College and gives students a chance to develop the skills needed to pursue a career in the welding industry.

TISD Cross Country Makes History With Record Number of Regional Qualifiers

The Timpson ISD Cross Country team competed in the regional meet at Sam Houston State University on Tuesday, October 24. With over 24 schools competing, the regional meet presented a challenge for all runners.

Cross country coach Dexter Vaughn took 5 qualifying runners to the regional meet, which was the most that Timpson ISD has taken in recent history.

“They came out, they practiced, and we qualified a boys team to regionals,” Vaughn said. “First time in a long time for Timpson.”

Coach Vaughn has been working with the team all season to prepare them for the district and regional meets.

“Overall I’m just proud of my kids for having the fight in them to continue to push,” Vaughn said.

Mason Quist is a senior who ran cross country for the first time this year and was part of the boys qualifying team.

“This was my first year ever doing cross country, and it was pretty fun,” Quist said.

The TISD cross country team has grown exponentially since last year, and Coach Vaughn has already set goals for next year.

Next year I hope to qualify a team for boys and girls to regionals and as well as to state,” Vaughn said.

Both high school and middle school cross country runners benefited greatly from being able to attend meets and compete against other schools this season.

“We've got a strong group of 8th graders that are coming up that’ll join our already strong high school students,” Vaughn said. “So the future is bright for Timpson cross country.”

Times for the regional cross country meet are below. Congratulations to the TISD runners who qualified for and participated in the regional meet!

Girls 2 mile

Kallie Solomon - 16:27.44

Boys 5000m

Dillon Galaviz - 18:54.53

Jaykob Windham - 20:45.78

Larry Rios - 21:48.61

Daniel Galaviz - 23:03.48

Cristian Diaz - 25:03.61

Cole Bruister - 26:19.60

Mason Quist - 26:31.57

Bear Band Places 5th in State Marching Contest

The Timpson Bear Band competed in the UIL state marching competition on Wednesday, October 25th. The band placed 5th in the state!

After a preliminary round of competition, the Timpson Bear Band secured a place in the finals. The band marched a final time in Baylor’s McLane Stadium, displaying a final showcase of all of their hard work this year.

From summer band camp to evening rehearsals, the members of the Timpson marching band members and directors have put in countless hours preparing to compete at the state level.

Hannah Bridwell is an assistant band director and has been with the band since summer rehearsals. She works with all grade levels, but has been committed to preparing the marching band for competition.

“I’m personally over the high school woodwinds,” Bridwell said. “And making sure that the marching is correct.”

From making sure that feet are hitting the ground at the same time to helping clarinets play in tune, Bridwell has made sure that many aspects of the marching performance are the best that it can be.

Splitting the band members into sectionals is another essential aspect of perfecting the performance. Bridwell breaks down music measure by measure and helps the students get it right.

“I just go measure by measure, slowing it down and speeding it up,” Bridwell said. “Breaking everything down and then putting it back together.”

When competing at the state level, fine tuning and attention to detail is essential for a band’s success. The dedication of the band directors and students made the difference in setting them apart at the state level.

Repetition is essential for a military marching band to succeed at competitions. Memorizing music and mastering marching skills takes time, dedication, and commitment to the success of the whole band and not just the individual.

Maxwell Jackson is also an assistant band director for Timpson ISD. His focus ranges from teaching fundamentals to 5th graders to high school brass sectionals. Jackson works with the band every day and has witnessed their growth as a group.

“I see how much harder they work each day,” Jackson said. “They just did their best and just pushed through it all.”

Community support has made all the difference for the Bear Band this year. From the band boosters taking care of the student meals to fans cheering on the band on Friday nights, the Bear Band members and staff are grateful for the TISD community.

“The community is great. Such a great atmosphere, especially at football games,” Jackson said. “Different people come up all the time and say how good the band sounds.”

With such a young group of band members, the future is definitely promising for the Bear Band. Next year’s marching competition will give the band an opportunity to bring home another state trophy.

TES Students Participate in East Texas Poultry Festival 5K

Several Timpson elementary students participated in the Chicken Trot at the East Texas Poultry Festival! P.E. Coach Taylor Hudspeth volunteered to run the race with any elementary P.E. students who wanted to participate.

“I wanted the students to see that something as simple as running with others can be fun and rewarding,” Hudspeth said.

He and Mrs. Jennifer Matthews had 7 students who volunteered to participate in the run.

“At 7:30 in the morning, they were already talking each other up and discussing their strategies and tactics to win a medal,” Hudspeth said.

Getting the students to participate in physical activity outside of school is a great way to encourage healthy exercise habits. Coach Hudspeth is already looking forward to running another 5K with Timpson ISD students who want to get in a fun workout.

“I definitely plan on participating in this event again next year,” Hudspeth said. “I'm hoping that when other students hear how much fun it was from their friends that ran, they will be eager to give it a shot.”

Timpson Volunteer Fire Department Visits TISD

The Timpson Volunteer Fire Department visited TISD to educate students about the importance of fire prevention. Along with the Forestry Service, the Timpson VFD spoke to TES students and gave them a tour of fire fighting trucks and equipment. Smokey the Bear even made an appearance!

TMS Students Create Bullying Awareness Poster

For National Bullying Awareness Month, Timpson middle school art students designed and created a poster to bring awareness to and prevent bullying.

Peyton Bilyeu, Mia Patterson, and Yarely Diaz are students in Mrs. Gina Duke’s art class. They spent 2 weeks working on the poster that is displayed in the middle school cafeteria.

“Student mental health is directly affected by bullying,” Duke said. “We need to make sure that their mental health needs as well as their academic needs are met at school.”

Chris Nickleberry, middle school principal, actively tries to be aware of his students and what they’re dealing with.

“My steps are always proactive,” Nickleberry said. “A big deal is knowing the kids.”

Mia Patterson, one of the students who created the poster, wants to end bullying at TMS.

“We want to help people stop bullying,” Patterson said. “You never know what someone is going through.”

Bringing awareness to bullying is instrumental in stopping it. “We want to defeat the problem,” Nickleberry said. “We are all different, and displaying empathy is key.”

Arri Moore Joins TISD as Director of Bands

Timpson ISD is proud to welcome Arri Moore as the new director of bands at Timpson ISD. Moore is in his 10th year of teaching and holds a bachelor’s degree in music education from Stephen F. Austin State University and a master’s degree in education from Lamar University.

"Timpson has a long history of success in their band program and I’m excited to have the opportunity to continue that success,” Moore said. With his teaching experience and passion for music, Moore is excited to work with Timpson ISD students.

One of his goals for the upcoming school year is to encourage more students to participate in competitions such as solo and ensemble and all-region band. But Moore doesn’t teach with just the goal of winning contests, he also uses those competitions as tools to get kids to push themselves and advance their abilities. Moore is hoping to help the Timpson ISD band students take their skills to the next level.

“I love that band teaches kids the skills that they’ll have for the rest of their lives,” Moore said.

Moore held the title of assistant band director at both McMichael Middle School and Longview High School. While he is comfortable with teaching a large group of students at one time, he is eager to join the Timpson ISD band program.

“It’s definitely a change from a 5A school,” Moore said. “But kids are kids everywhere and I want each kid to have a good experience from the band program.”

Timpson ISD is pleased to have Mr. Moore join the district and excited to see where he takes the band program this upcoming school year.

“This is one of the best professions to be in,” Moore said. “You get to influence tomorrow’s leaders and change kids’ lives.”